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Récepteur universel pour chauffage [TA4013] & Ferroli Domicompact

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Récepteur universel pour chauffage [TA4013] & Ferroli Domicompact Empty Récepteur universel pour chauffage [TA4013] & Ferroli Domicompact

Message  josemi73 30/7/2014, 9:11 am

I was looking for a myfox forum in English / Spanish but I am not able to find them, sorry because I am posting this message in English in a french forum.
Before buying TA4013 module, I would like to know if an expert could tell me if my heater would be compatible.
Currently I have a weekly thermostat programmer with two wires (it looks like a single contact On/Off), and I wish to replace it with TA4013 module, but I don't know how the connections with the TA4013 must be done.
Somebody knows?
This is my simple scheme of my heater:

Récepteur universel pour chauffage [TA4013] & Ferroli Domicompact Domico11

As you know, TA4013 has 3 wires, two for power suply, and other one.

Thank you for your support.



Messages : 19
Date d'inscription : 30/07/2014
Localisation : Spain

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Récepteur universel pour chauffage [TA4013] & Ferroli Domicompact Empty Re: Récepteur universel pour chauffage [TA4013] & Ferroli Domicompact

Message  steph44 30/7/2014, 11:14 am

Hello Josemi,

I think the better you can do is to contact Myfox customers service to ask them directly :

Myfox customers service :
Récepteur universel pour chauffage [TA4013] & Ferroli Domicompact Screen46

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Date d'inscription : 30/10/2012
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Récepteur universel pour chauffage [TA4013] & Ferroli Domicompact Empty Re: Récepteur universel pour chauffage [TA4013] & Ferroli Domicompact

Message  josemi73 30/7/2014, 11:56 am

Thank you, I have sent my question to them by e-mail last week but I haven't had any response yet.
I will try to call them.


Messages : 19
Date d'inscription : 30/07/2014
Localisation : Spain

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Récepteur universel pour chauffage [TA4013] & Ferroli Domicompact Empty Re: Récepteur universel pour chauffage [TA4013] & Ferroli Domicompact

Message  josemi73 6/8/2014, 1:48 pm

Hi again.
I have been trying to contact myfox from last week by phone, but they don't pick up the phone.  Sad 
If you are bored in the beach, perhaps you could help me:
Could anybody having this module tell me how to connect it to my heater?
Heater scheme seems so simple!!!
I have a basic thermostat that when temperature is lower than selected temperature then you listen to a 'clic' that is when heater turn on like a light switch does. Only two wires that get joined.
But the TA4013 module has 3 wires, 2 for power supply and other one, and I do not know how to connect to my heater.
Thank you again...


Messages : 19
Date d'inscription : 30/07/2014
Localisation : Spain

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Récepteur universel pour chauffage [TA4013] & Ferroli Domicompact Empty Re: Récepteur universel pour chauffage [TA4013] & Ferroli Domicompact

Message  josemi73 7/8/2014, 1:56 pm

I phoned to Myfox and they said to me that I must do a connection through a relay.
I will think if I buy the module or I will wait.


Messages : 19
Date d'inscription : 30/07/2014
Localisation : Spain

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Récepteur universel pour chauffage [TA4013] & Ferroli Domicompact Empty Re: Récepteur universel pour chauffage [TA4013] & Ferroli Domicompact

Message  Alx44 11/8/2014, 7:22 pm

Hi Josemi,

I have installed the module on my own heater last February and I am satisfied. My heater also required me to install a relay because the thermostat line was a low voltage line whereas the module only provides 220V line. It is not really difficult to wire and it does not add so much to the cost: I poke a Finder relay for 17€.
If you need more information how to wire a relay or anythong else just ask me.


Messages : 1521
Date d'inscription : 12/05/2013
Localisation : Loire Atlantique

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Récepteur universel pour chauffage [TA4013] & Ferroli Domicompact Empty Re: Récepteur universel pour chauffage [TA4013] & Ferroli Domicompact

Message  josemi73 11/8/2014, 8:55 pm

Thank you for your response, Alx44.

I would like to know how your relay is connected. Could it be connected between black and blue? Which relay did you use?

Récepteur universel pour chauffage [TA4013] & Ferroli Domicompact Chauff10

If the chauffage module were like dry contact /contact sec would be perfect for me, because I would replace my current programmer for a dry contact. It works with batteries and it works as a switch. It is what I need, but I do not know how the integration with the web interface would be done, and if the web interface show more information, for example, temperature.

I suppose that I should create four scenaries, for example, for two temperature ranges: 21ºC day, 19ºC night:
From 10:00 to 22:00:
- If the temperature < 21ºC -> close the dry contact (heater ON)
- If the temperature > 22ºC -> open the dry contact (heater OFF)

From 22:00 to 10:00:
- If the temperature < 19ºC -> close the dry contact (heater ON)
- If the temperature > 20ºC -> open the dry contact (heater OFF)

and I would need a temperature module too. Does the chauffage module provide the temperature or do you need an aditional temperature module?

I would like to watch a video with the chauffage module working, but I have not found in youtube channel or myfox webpage.

As you see, I am in a mess...  Question  Question  Question  Idea


Messages : 19
Date d'inscription : 30/07/2014
Localisation : Spain

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Récepteur universel pour chauffage [TA4013] & Ferroli Domicompact Empty Re: Récepteur universel pour chauffage [TA4013] & Ferroli Domicompact

Message  Alx44 12/8/2014, 1:34 am

Hi Josemi,

The relay I used was a Finder (i.e. a 65.31 with 30A and 230V coil specifications).
Below is a schema how I wired my installation:
Récepteur universel pour chauffage [TA4013] & Ferroli Domicompact Heater10

Unfortunately TA4013 does not include a temperature monitoring function, so yes you need additional temperature and luminosity module to switch on and off the heater module. For each targeted temperature you need two scenarios: one to swtich on the heater, one to switch it off, so if you have two target temperatures then you need four scenarios. I also included two additional security scenarios just in case high or low temperatures did not trigerred their associated scenarios just to be sure the house would never be over hot or over cold.


Messages : 1521
Date d'inscription : 12/05/2013
Localisation : Loire Atlantique

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Récepteur universel pour chauffage [TA4013] & Ferroli Domicompact Empty Re: Récepteur universel pour chauffage [TA4013] & Ferroli Domicompact

Message  josemi73 12/8/2014, 4:42 pm

Thank you Alx44, it is much clearer now.
I had not thought about install it near the heater; but as it has not got a temperature sensor inside, perhaps it is better to install near the heater with the same electrical supply as you did.
I will keep the current wires for the weekly programmer in parallel with the relay output, and I could use both of them.
I will buy TA4013 + other temperature & luminosity sensor for the heater installed in my hall (I have got one for the shutters on sunset or sunrise but it is installed outside).
I am going to look for my credit card... my wife is starting to get angry a little bit.  Rolling Eyes 


Messages : 19
Date d'inscription : 30/07/2014
Localisation : Spain

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Récepteur universel pour chauffage [TA4013] & Ferroli Domicompact Empty Re: Récepteur universel pour chauffage [TA4013] & Ferroli Domicompact

Message  josemi73 25/8/2014, 8:59 pm

Hi again.
I bought finder 65.31 relay and I have received heater and temperature & brightness modules today. I installed them following Alx44 schema and it works fine.
I keep on thinking that it would be simplier like a dry contact. I would save power supply for the module (it would work by batteries) and I would save the relay, because dry contact must have one inside.
My old weekly programmer works with batteries, and it shows the temperature inside the room. I think that the perfect heater module would have to be like that.

Thank you Alx44 for your valueable schema. cheers cheers cheers


Messages : 19
Date d'inscription : 30/07/2014
Localisation : Spain

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Récepteur universel pour chauffage [TA4013] & Ferroli Domicompact Empty Re: Récepteur universel pour chauffage [TA4013] & Ferroli Domicompact

Message  Alx44 26/8/2014, 12:37 am

I am glad I was able to help you.

About the ability to have only a dry contact, the problem comes from the fact that electric heater (rather than boiler) are very common here. Those are driven by modulating alternate 230V current on an input wire. This explain why Myfox's receiver is designed like that: they can be used both with eletric heaters and boilers. Alas with this technique they forgot to deal with low current driven boilers Crying or Very sad


Messages : 1521
Date d'inscription : 12/05/2013
Localisation : Loire Atlantique

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Récepteur universel pour chauffage [TA4013] & Ferroli Domicompact Empty Re: Récepteur universel pour chauffage [TA4013] & Ferroli Domicompact

Message  josemi73 26/8/2014, 8:45 am

Ok, I understand now.

By the way, have you got an android device? Below your post, I see you have got two temperature & brightness modules. After installing my second temperature & brightness module, when I try to access "My Data" for watching the temperatures, it hungs.
In my windows phone it works fine.


Messages : 19
Date d'inscription : 30/07/2014
Localisation : Spain

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Récepteur universel pour chauffage [TA4013] & Ferroli Domicompact Empty Re: Récepteur universel pour chauffage [TA4013] & Ferroli Domicompact

Message  Alx44 26/8/2014, 8:54 am

Yes I have an android device. The application freeze you are experiencing is recent, I think it is probably related to the update of the server last week allowing to send more data than before (there used to be only temperature & brightness modules and Intellitag, now on the web interface you can also see smoke detectors, co detectors, freezer modules, etc.). I am anticipating a probable update of the application in the coming days/weeks.


Messages : 1521
Date d'inscription : 12/05/2013
Localisation : Loire Atlantique

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Récepteur universel pour chauffage [TA4013] & Ferroli Domicompact Empty Re: Récepteur universel pour chauffage [TA4013] & Ferroli Domicompact

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